Monday 5 December 2011

Written treatment

This is the written treatment for my final project.  I really liked the video Tick Tock which I posted earlier in my blog it has given me great inspiration for my project and I plan to use the same style of filming and the idea behind it in the production of my final project.

A man and a woman are walking down a street; the man accidentally bumps into the woman which causes her to drop the bag she is holding. The man apologises, picks up the bag and hands it back over to the woman causing their hands to touch. They both appear to have a vague recollection of each other but at the same time seem confused as to who this other person is and how they know them.

A flashback occurs and we see the man and woman in a different scene. The scene is played in reverse, and shows the couple arguing while the woman is packing her bag to leave as if they are in a relationship together. As the film goes on we see numerous moments in the couple's relationship, but we start by seeing it at the end of the relationship, meaning as the film goes on we see how the argument comes about and the awkwardness between the couple leading to the start of their relationship where everything seems really good between them and they appear to be getting to know each other really well.

Then the flashback stops and we are back with the man and woman on the street from the start of the film. After staring at each other in confusion for a couple of seconds longer the woman thanks the man for picking up her bag and they go their separate ways. As they are walking away they both look back at each other as if they seem to remember how they one another.

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